Hance Family Foundation's Beautiful Me Fun Day | Long Island Family Photographer
It was both a pleasure and an honor to photograph some of the beautiful children in attendance at the Hance Beautiful Me Family Fun Day. As a mother of two young girls and a high school teacher, I see first hand how important it is to nurture the self esteem of young girls in our society. Thank you to the foundation for creating this amazing program and to all of those who donate their time and finances to help grow the program.
For those of you who do not know about this amazing foundation. It was founded to honor the memories of Emma, Alyson, and Katie Hance, who died in a car accident on July 26, 2009 on the Taconic Parkway, at ages 8, 7, and 5. The funds raised by this Foundation are used to support an innovative self-esteem educational program for girls, Beautiful Me…the Emma, Alyson, and Katie Hance Project as well as local education and charitable giving programs for children. The intention of the Foundation is to honor the memories of these extraordinary girls in positive ways. More about the Foundation can be found here.
I am going through my images from the day, but here are a few of my favorites.
For information or to book a session, contact me.